[M] white knight in shining armor.

Word Count :: 337 omfg this is sooo crappy

Tawny wasn’t really sure what the hell was going on around her at the moment. She could hear the white man’s voice, could even understand what he was saying…but she really did not want to move away from him. He was warm and his voice was soothing, gentle. When he told her to lie back and be still, though, she obeyed without any more fuss. There were still a few ants scattered about her body and they had begun biting again with all the movement, causing her to twitch with the annoying little shocks of pain. Everything was starting to itch as well, the blood finally drying and tugging at her fur in some places while the previous ant bites were swelling into little pockets of pustules. There were bites on top of bites, mostly around the edges of the tear marks on her torso and shoulder where there was the most exposed flesh.

A soft chanting of stuttered and whimpered words flowed from her mouth without end, they just kept coming. Things like ‘please’, ‘no’, and ‘don’t hurt me’ sounded out through the cleaning process, her consciousness wavering in and out. Every now and then her vision would go black and she’d panic, her hands reaching out to search for the white man, wanting to make sure she wasn’t imagining all of the pain and everything that had happened. She was so afraid of being left again. The girl’s earlier mindset of not caring if she died or not having worn off completely when the bigger male had snatched her away from the cannibalistic coyote. There was nothing left of her need to not be a burden upon others, just the strong desire to be taken care of and protected, if only for a little while. She’d never been the type to lean on someone else for support unless it was absolutely necessary, but living with the Ichikans for a short time had shown her that it was okay to depend on someone else sometimes.

Image courtesy of krystian_o@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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