Am I ready to go?
Shiloh kept her eyes low and her ears pinned as she went to Katelyn's pin. The horse nudged her little form softly and Shiloh shifted to hug her horse and cry. She had been having nightmares and hearing but not seeing who was in the stables had brought those memories back. The pain and hurt she kept feeling in her dreams and the demon she saw in Saxif. Orin wouldn't understand. She wouldn't understand just how badly she had been beaten just because she wouldn't submit. She wouldn't understand the orange eyed demon that kept coming up like bile in her mates eyes. How she honestly felt unloved and unwanted by even Orin.

The moment Orin had turned on her with teeth and claw Shiloh knew that she was not different then the others. She could and most likely would hurt Shiloh in some way and Shiloh just couldn't deal with that emotionally or physically anymore. The moment she had head Orin's distorted voice she had thought Rain had found her again and this time he would kill her. He had already done so much to her. She was slowly losing her mate. She had given up on making friends or even getting close to other wolves because she knew she was horribly disfigured. She knew deep deep deep down inside her no one would look past the scars on the outside to even think about fixing want was messed up on the inside. Shiloh looked at Orin softly before telling her why she had attacked her.

"I ha...hav... have be...been h.... having ni... nightmares. Yo... you s... sounded lik... like them. I...I th...thoug....thought were g...go...going to hu...hurt me they did. I..I so...sor...sorry i..if I hu...hurt you. i..I knew ha...have stayed at th...the house bu...but horse is only th...thing th...that ca calms me and l..loves me," she stuttered uncontrollably. She remembered a time when she had no stutter. Saxif had given her the strength to stop stuttering and be confident. Now she just felt weak and useless to anyone and every one she came in contact with.

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