A bored afternoon

Sorry for my English in this post, I‘m at my moms for the summer and I‘ve forgotten my English dictionary >:< Know any good ones on the net? Word count: 534

Des, in his luperci form, made his way through the pine forest. He held a quick and sturdy pace, his eyes fixed on whatever that was in front of him. He was out exploring, after stuffing himself with rabbits in St.Pepin’s Vineyard, his strength was finally renewed and he had found himself ready to move out of the vineyard to look for other prey. Not that he was tired of rabbits, but he needed a break from routine, an perhaps the rabbits also needed a break from his torture. Even though he had turned 6 years this year, he had not grown tired of playing with his food.

He wasn’t hunting food, but something quite different; fun. But in the back of his head a silly little voice that he had suppressed and nearly forgotten kept telling him to keep to his mission; to find the grey one and kill her. She hadn’t just betrayed him, but the others as well, the young one and the rest of the pack. It was his duty as a warrior to get her exterminated for her betrayal, he had to save his packs pride! Even though he was a member of a new pack now, he had not forgotten his origins, and would never do so. As long as there was life in that little voice in the back of his head, he could play a little without loosing his path.

The black and bluish male had caught the scent of another male some time ago, but he hadn’t really thought too much about it until now, as the scent started to grow stronger. Desaevio started to slow down his pace, he didn’t want to stumble too quickly in to this other male, had it been a female, the case would have been completely different.

Desaevio took a little stop too analyse the scent; it was clearly male, maybe a little younger than him, he couldn’t quite tell, but he also noticed something else; the smell of blood, but not from a kill. The other male was hurt. Not being the best tracker, still not the worst, Des couldn’t tell if the wounds were fresh or old, just that they weren’t endangering the other male. Having analysed the situation as best as he could, he decided that the other didn’t pose a threat to him. Though the blue-shimmering male wasn’t the strongest, he had his agility on his side and the fact that he was in perfect shape and full of energy.

He caught up with some of his speed again, not running, just throttling along in a comfortable pace. His head was in a parallel line with his back, and his black tail followed him in a seemingly way, making him look like a black arrow running past the pine trees.

The male stopped, he had spotted the other, sitting on a little hill. To not seem intimidating, he came out from the trees and stopped about 6-7 feet away from the other and made a little bark to get the others attention. Good afternoon he said and tilted his head, making the voice in his head even more annoyed by his childish behaviour.


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