Am I in heaven?!

Word Count → 267 :: Out of Character text

Shawchert looked over the stables that had been redone since the storm. Her question was rightful, though he was sure she didn't really have to ask, looking back at her, he gave a warm smile.

“I don't see why you couldn't this is free for any of the horses of Cercatori, even those that have owners. I'm sure your horse will be fine in any stall that is open at the moment.”

Shawchert said, she had plenty of choices, there weren't that many animals here so it wasn't like it was packed full, and he was sure to extend the stables if need be or even make a whole new one... at least come next spring. Now was far too late to start building anything permanently. He let out a laugh when she asked if he had a horse. He shook his head and a hand.

“No I'm afraid I would break the back of every horse in here if I were to ride. I just use my own four paws where I need to get to. It's probbaly safer for me anyway.”

He watched the woman and horse together, they seemed the kind that helped each other. This was the relationship he wanted with his ferret now that she was starting to move around more. She was quite content about following Shaw, maybe she could flush out game from holes or something, it would be an interesting relationship and he didn't know the potential that the ferret would have, not until she was older at least.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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