[AW] Welcome Home

Imagine Dresden’s surprise when his attempts at cooling the situation down did little to actually help. The attempt may as well have gone unnoticed. The frantic woman did drop the rock she had been clutching, there was that at least. Tensions remained high despite that, however. The shaky coyote had been eyeing him warily ever since he had stepped in to help, and it took Dresden a few moments to realize that he was staring at his daggers. It had definitely been a wise move to keep the weapons sheathed when he arrived. The tension was palpable enough as it was.

The woman collapsed into a whimpering pile, emptying her satchel out onto the ground and pleading with the two males present to leave her be. Confusion was beginning to give way to agitation, but Dresden remained still, continuing to hold his hands up to show he meant no harm. The other male was beginning to back himself up and keep himself from shaking, but he was still obviously far from comfortable here. The dark-furred woman’s whimpers continued and Dresden’s confusion only grew as she began questioning them. “…What? What do you mean by ‘them?’” he asked, trying to keep his voice as level and soothing as he could manage. Was she being followed? Icy blue eyes glanced around the field in search of any sign of others. No, it didn’t seem likely; with all the noise they were making, if she was being chased her persuers would have been quick to spot them.

What the hell had he wandered into? He was starting to regret coming out over here to investigate. The other male seemed just as clueless as to what was freaking out the woman, clearly on edge as he expressed his desire to get out of the crowded maze of sunflowers. “The field ends right over there,” he said, motioning over his shoulder with his thumb. “I say we get out there and give each other some space, alright?” The crowded confines of the flowery field weren’t likely helping this odd little situation. And hell, if either of them wanted to bolt, it would be easier for them to get away out in the clearing. No skin off his back if they chose to run off.


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