Book for thought
Out of Character

Sorry for the wait. My muse for Gunnar's been so lacking lately. :/

In Character

The Library. There had to be better places than this to visit in Anathema, so why was the sports-over-books Gunnar suddenly so willing to be there? Especially on a warmer day without any chores to do?

Because, yet again, he was avoiding Esmerelda. That girl had probably gathered an angry mob by this point, all because he'd fought back. Wasn't she the one who'd been throwing rocks? His head still hurt from time to time, phantom pains in memory of the injuries that had since healed into scars.

Every single scar he had was from that bitch.

Well, almost every scar. All but one, which was a long line on his chest from his first shift, a stupid tumble that hadn't been worth whining about at all. He hadn't been used to two feet. It was no one's fault.

The rest, especially the ones on his face, were from her. Had she been just another member of the pack, he might've already finished their feuding once and for all. She wasn't though, and there in lied the problem.

Naniko would have my head if I did anything to the bitch. He thought bitterly as he passed by another crowded bookshelf, not even noticing any of the titles or even the shelf itself. She'll kill me eventually. The least I can do is live a little longer. She can't kill me if she can't find me.

He was wondering if anyone would miss him other than his mother when he came around the corner, almost bumping into a woman standing there. Almost. His fur brushed against hers as he maneuvered past, turning as he walked and snapping back into reality.

Oh, sorry. He voiced cooly, turning to face her fully and keeping a now polite distance. Hey... I don't think I've met you yet. Name's Gunnar. A smooth smile found home on his face, crooked but very charming. His tail flicked behind him as he took in the sight of her; she wasn't a wolf and didn't smell like a dog or coyote, whoever she was. He immediately appreciated her sandy fur and almost common place appearance. She wasn't amazingly beautiful or sexy, and that's what instantly intrigued him.

He wondered if she had a mate. Maybe if she didn't, he could show her a good time...? That would certainly make his day much, much better, not to mention making her day the best she'd ever had.

He wasn't prideful at all, honest!

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