Out of Sync

She snorted and elbowed him lightly, he was always saying wise arsed shit like that but still a grin flitted over her face. She marveled at the foal's ability to walk, see, hear and smell just minutes after its own birth, it took wolf pups a few weeks to master those skills and even longer to become fully independent of their parents and venture out to explore the world they were born into. She remembered something she had read a few years ago that it took something along the lines of eighteen years for human children to develop to adulthood, which was longer than luperci lived in total! The thought was absurd, she knew that humans had managed to build great things and the remnants were all around them to view surely such an ingenious race would have managed to figure some way to make their young become adults faster.

She turned to Temo as he suggested they retire inside for something to eat and nodded, she was confident the mare and stallion could look after the foal from any dangers and she and Temo were not far away, the pasture was visible from the kitchen.

"Yes you're right. Besides they have weight and sharp hooves on their sides. I doubt anythign will mess with them tonight."

She climbed back over the fence carefully with Temo's help and the two set off back towards the house. Her mind wandered over what sort of food she could make and found that she had a particular craving for some kind of cooked stew mixed with raw meat and she blanched at the wierd combination. The walked back to the house in silence and finally reached the doors that she understood the humans had called 'french doors' and walked into the kitchen, she turned to Temo,

"Well what shall we have then."

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