[AW] Welcome Home

Fun, fun. Haha

If Dresden had thought that the situation had taken an odd turn already, he was in for a bit of a surprise. It had seemed like everything was going to go well, the shaky coyote seeming grateful to be pointed in the direction of some flower-free land. And then the woman had a sudden breakdown right before their eyes that culminated in… a rather calm, if somewhat standoffish, demeanor. Now that she was seemingly fear-free, she was quick to accuse Dresden of doing something to the coyote.

To say the warrior was speechless would be an understatement.

Where did this sudden 180 in personality come from? And if that wasn’t enough, she even spoke in a different way. Dresden found the sudden identity crisis suspicious and he eyed the dark-furred woman warily. Things seemed to be getting a bit too interesting for the coyote male, who darted off without a word farther into the flower field. Dresden blinked at the shuffling waves of flowers he left in his wake, turning to the woman with a questioning look. The scuffling sounds of movement and the screeches of birds could be heard from the direction that he’d run in. “What the—” he began to ask when suddenly, lo and behold, their coyote friend was back. And he brought with him his own crazy outburst, who would have guessed it.

The husky was beginning to reach his limit here. “No, really. What the hell is going on here? I’m not out to get anyone!” His tone was becoming defensive. He took a step back from the strangers, shaking his head. Icy eyes turned from one crazy person to the other. “I heard yelling in here and came to see what was going on. That’s it.” He turned his focus to the woman, narrowing his eyes in agitation. “And I’m definitely not doing anything to anyone.” Talk about getting more than you bargained for. Things couldn’t get any weirder than this... He could only hope.


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