Out of Sync

She nodded at his words and together the two of them searched the cupboards for anything that they could turn into a satisfactory meal for two who had spent almost all of the night and morning awake. Tiredness pulled at her eyes and exhaustion at her body but she needed to eat something before she slept otherwise she would feel worse when she woke up. The paltry selection of meat they found would barely be enough for a snack for one of them never mind a full meal for both, she hmm'ed absent mindedly her mind running over what they had found,

"I think maybe we'll have to make do with some kind of stew so yes, go and pull up some vegetables for me please, if you would. I need to find..." She tailed off here, mumbling to herself as she began to go back through the cupboards searching for her cooking skin. She had had to make a new one upon arriving in Ichika, her first had been left in Denahlii and she had not needed to make one whilst in Phoenix Valley. Temo disappeared out of the french doors and around to the side where the overgrown herb and vegetable patch resided.

Whilst he was busy pulling up more things for them to add to thier strew, Jace set up a small fire in the heath and constructed a quick tripod for the cooking skin to hang from above the flames. Then she picked up the cooking skin and moved outside herself, walking for about five minutes until she came to the stream the trickled downhill and away from their house. She filled up the skin and collected several stones that were the right size and shape and returned to the house. Once back she placed the stoned in the centre of the fire where it was hottest and placed the skin of water on the trippod away from the fire. She wouldnt need to put it over until everything was sorted. Then she returned to the stream with a bucket and filled it to the brim with clean water to wash the vegetables in when Temo was done.

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