last friday night
lol freak out XD

She couldn't even look at him, she just couldn't. how how how? how had this happened. They were friends surely the presence of alcohol hadn't changed that, distorted it beyond all reason, perverted it and made it vile. anger rose again, with herself, with him, and surprisingly with Jefferson for he was the reason they had been separated and had the excuse of him returning to celebrate like they had done. She bared her teeth at some invisible foe before finally turning to face him only to find he was trying to hide a rather embarrassing affliction of men.

She turned away again and instead sat with her back to him until he had gotten himself sorted, his stammering was grating and the woman heard him groan in frustration,

"I don't know, I feel like it but i'm not sure. Aghh! How has this happened." She grabbed at her floppy tan tipped ears and pulled them in despair. she wanted to blame him, place all of it onto his shoulders and absolve herself of any wrongdoing but it was impossible to do, it took two to tango after all and Jace held no traces of being forced into the precieved sexual acts. She whimpered pathetically.

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