cave dwellers.


Word Count → 315

Jackson had been doing better with getting out and socializing with his pack mates lately. Increased time spent inside the winding caves would do that, he supposed. His tasks required a large amount of wandering through the usually dark and stuffy caves when he wasn’t savoring the open world of the forests when gathering supplies. Even then, the boy was still unfamiliar with a large portion of Anathema’s resident canines. For all he knew, this girl here could have been a recent addition to their ranks. It would have explained the predominant mix of Anatheman scents mingling with her own, and the relative faintness of the mark of a foreign pack. Hell, Jackson supposed it didn’t make any difference to him, but there was that itch of curiosity that wouldn’t let the thoughts be.

The stranger seemed a bit jumpy as he approached her, head whipping around with the quickness of surprise and eyes wide and alert. The nervous expression she carried stirred up a strange feeling of pity in the Acidic male. He summoned a rather awkward smile to his features in response, trying to make up for surprising her. She stuttered an introduction, calling herself Tawny. The boy nodded in a greeting of his own before introducing himself in turn. “I’m Jackson. Good to meet ya, Tawny.” Cerulean gaze took in her features, lingering for a minute on her scars before she spoke up again. He shifted the stack of books in his arms slightly to a more comfortable position and motioned down the hall with a nod of his head. “Just headin’ down over to the library to put away these books, then over to the storage room.” He looked back down toward her, meeting her own deep blue gaze. “…How about you, huh? Got somewhere you’re goin’?” Maybe this way he could figure out just what she was doing down here.

Image by J; table code by the Mentors!


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