The odds are stacked against us

The child loved everything there was about flowers. There wasn’t anything about them that the female didn’t want to know about. She lifted her head, deeply inhaling. The scent was ever so alluring to her. She lowered her head back down as she bent down at her front paw, pushing her rump up in the air. Running her nose though the flower, she came out with speck of pollen all over her maul and face, twitching her nose, as she laughed. The female turned her head to the sound of the voice. She gasped, as she twitched her nose, ”Ahh…Ahh.. She knew there was someone standing beside her, she tried to twist her head back away from the figure before it was too late. She drew her head back and sneezed in the beings face. Sniffed, as she twitched her nose around, she opened her eyes. Hello Liam She spoke to him in a monotone voice. ”Sorry I sneezed on you.” She spoke to him sincerely.

She gave the young male the attention that he respected as a living being, didn’t mean that she wanted to. ”Thank you for saying that you are sorry. However, I still do not like you though, but that last meeting is forgiven.” With a nod she stood up looking at the patch of flowers. If there was more and much wider amount of flowers she must go. ”Where?!” She couldn’t help but to let her heart jump for joy. The best part of it was that it wasn’t too far away. ”I need to tell my mom before I go. Will you wait for me?” The child looked to the brown boy, as her ear’s lifted and moved forward upon her head.


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