Of Deer and Ichika

| +236

With his usual quiet, Temo listened to the others introduce themselves. His thoughts now confirmed his earlier consideration that he would meet others of the pack that he had not met yet. This made him happy that he was making progress at not being such a recluse and participating more with pack events. He hoped Jace would approve of his efforts in the en devour of getting to know the rest of the pack that they have belonged to all summer.

He listened to Jaden's plan with interest and liked the plan. It was a simple plan that gets used a lot because of it's effectiveness. He considered which group he would join and sizing up everyone else and what looked like most of the smaller wolves were going in the chase group, he decided that he would be best in the ambush group where he would not get tired out from chasing and can use his mass to better bring down a deer.

He watched Jace move off in the indicated direction to work around the herd with those deciding for the chase following her. With a nod to Jaden, "I will remain with you as part of your team for the ambush where you can more effectively use my size to our advantage." Temo sat quietly with the others that decided to stay and participate on Jaden's team for the ambush.

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