Spre[a]d your [w]ings and prepare to fly

Sorry for the wait on this, I have been a bit slooooow. WC: 870

The little patchwork girl was rather entranced by the tall white female, she seemed rather interesting indeed, both in appearance and in her knowledge. The little female had never seen anyone like her before, she could not imagine what combination of genes would make such a canine, she herself was a mix of wolf and coyote, her frame and patterning, her fur reflected this, although not a lot of her make up appeared to be coyote at all, the wolven genes that she had inherited seemed to have quashed most of the coyote, though she still bore the bright red fur that had been passed on from generation to generation from her great grandfather. The small girl herself was rather a patchwork herself, but in colouration rather than in form, she wondered if perhaps this wise female was a patchwork of different kind of wolf and dog, everyone looked different, this was something she was learning. Large blue eyes watched the female as she spoke, face filled with concentration as she watched the female, she was listening to ever word from her mouth, it seemed that this female had a lot of knowledge that might be useful to the younger girl, after all she was going to be a hero, she wanted to know everything she possibly could about everything, one never knew what might come in handy in strange situations. She had read many adventure stories where the smallest and most simple thing had seemed silly at the time, but had become the key to solving the problem at hand, such as knowing that witches melted when they got wet, this was something that would seem silly to know, but had helped that Dorothy girl when she had been most at need of saving herself. The pale female said that the chickens would lay eggs that were a good source of food, the smaller girl's nose crinkled in curiousity as she thought of this, she herself had tried grass before and that seemed to be what prey animals ate, was that what eggs tasted like? Grass was terribly unpleasant as a taste, she hoped that eggs did not taste like that or else she could hardly see the point of chickens.
"What do eggs taste like?" She asked, her curious nature getting the better of her as she looked at the tall female holding the tiny bird. Caspa then said that Robin was named after a bird, the small female had never really thought on her name in that way, simply thinking of herself as being named after the great English hero, Robin Hood, she supposed that she was indeed named after a bird as well, she had read about robin's in books before, they had red chests and seemed to bounce here and there in the winter time most often. Her tail wagged as she thought of this, a smile crossing her pale lips.
"I had forgotten that I was named after a bird, I suppose I am aren't I? The little ones with the red chests. Do you know a lot about birds then miss Caspa? Have you always looked after them?" Robin asked, her tail wagging as she looked at the older female.

The female explained that the birds did not know how sharp thier beaks and claws were, the little female nodded, she supposed that that might make sense, the patchwork girl supposed that she forgot how sharp her teeth were when she was play fighting with Linden, the red male had let out a yelp of shock more than once when the small female had nipped at his ears. She nodded, perhaps it made sense, the little chick let out a few squeaks and the girl giggled as Caspa replied to her, saying that the chick liked the rough and tumble.
"I understand that little chick, I like to play rough and tumble with my brother and sister, sometimes it is rather fun when you play games like that, but you must be careful not to get hurt." The small girl replied, her tail wagging furiously as she watched the small yellow creature making all of that noise. She was very amused by the little creature, she grinned at the pale female, it seemed that she was being a good chicken mother. The pale female then said that she must enjoy her childhood while she had the chance, that it would be over very quickly and that soon enough she would be a grown up, the little female looked at her with a quizzical expression, she could not imagine being anything other than a hero, she wondered whether or not Caspa's life had changed from the plans that she had once had.
"I think that I will be a hero, I hope I will be. What did you want to be when you were young miss Caspa?" The young female asked, watching Caspa with wide eyes, she was unable to help but be curious, she hoped that Caspa would not be upset that she had asked, but it was too late to take the question back now, she had had a happy childhood and almost assumed that everyone else had had one as well.

Table by Marie Lyrics and image copyright disney

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