surface to air

Her fingers wrapped themselves around the dark hand, and she watched as Savina sat beside her. The emotions in the wolfess' face were mimicked by the light tones of Anu's features. She was happy to be home, relieved that she was safe and no longer under the bonds of Maska. But it was hard to face all those that she felt she had let down. She had sworn to never regret accepting the Utina's into their home, yet she felt the heavy responsibility for causing this fighting. I'm happy to be home. She replied, her voice soft and filled with the constant fatigue that plagued her.

Now that their greeting had been spoken, she looked away. Briefly there was a silence. She needed to know who else was missing, or hurt and she needed to report on Gotham. Anu was glad that at least Savina's son was alive and in fair health. It could be worse. They have Gotham. She said with eyes still unable to return to her leader's.

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