Little child have no fear

OOC here!

She still had much of the city to explore. Today the girl had been speaking to several birds in the area, getting a better idea of what the surrounding territory looked like. She had never been to this particular stretch of land, but something about it seemed familiar to her. There was a scent that she recognized slightly, and as she padded along she realized who it belonged to. One of her sparrow companions confirmed her guess as they fluttered back down onto her shoulder, chirping loudly into her ear. She got the impression that there was definitely a canine nearby

"Jace? Are you around here?" She remembered the female from the various pack meetings that they'd had and from the singing session and hunt. Wretch wasn't one to actively seek out another pack member, but she also did not want to make it seem as if she was sneaking around someone's private area. If she didn't have to disturb anyone or anything, she wouldn't. Wretch looked this way and that, her black nose working as she tried to pinpoint the other female.

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

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