[P] Sickening Familiarity

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Jaden was deep in the Halcyon Mountain range searching for a good challenge. His young companion Verloren nipping at his heels eager as usual to accompany him on most of his endeavors around Ichika. Whether she was enjoying all the hiking it took to get all the way up here or dreading her decision to accept the brutes invite was hard to say. They were getting to know each other better and better but Jaden still had trouble discerning the younger she-wolf’s feelings. Hopefully she wasn’t miserable, but either way this trip would develop her character a little.

Jaden had multiple reasons for bringing young Lost (the translation of Verloren and her preferred name). Firstly, he had set out to find a fine training ground for when the pup was ready for something more difficult then the forest they were used to, and secondly, to show off the view. Ichika was beautiful and so was the amazing view of it from the mountain’s higher points.

Higher and higher Jaden led. Soon the trees began to thin and a chilly wind began to buffet the two wolf’s thick fur. Just the kind of weather tundra wolves are designed for. It wasn’t long after that that the two crossed the Ichikan boarder as they climbed toward a prime view point Jaden had visited a few times before. We are almost there now, he called reassuringly over his lupus shoulder as they approached. When the rocky land leveled out a bit he stopped and waited for the pup, looking out on the wonderful view with pride in his eyes. This was their land they looked down on, a responsibility and a gift all wrapped in one. What do you think, Lost? He sat on his haunches under the slight shade a puny, withered tree and motioned with his muzzle. They would rest now and enjoy the sight. Their climb had been as easy as it was possible to make, but Jaden didn’t doubt that Verloren might like a fine rest before they continued.

As he sat with his head held high, the Shishen was sure nothing could effectively dull this moment. He was dead wrong. One of the very few canines that earned instant and deep loathing from the crimson bellied wolf appeared on the wind. His sent was undeniable and its very presence puffed Jaden up, making his hackles prickle and his eyes narrow. An anger that was very close to pure hatred froze in the bottom of the brute’s gut as he scanned the hillside for a coyote’s mucky fur. Slade. He growled coldly as the other came into view. Suddenly his mind was filled with thoughts of torture. The coyote deserved pain for what cowardice lay under that mangy fur. For a few seconds, Jaden forgot about the wonderful view, young Lost, and notions of Ichikan peace. For a few seconds, he resurrected a less complicated state of mind, one that was ready for some cold blooded bullying and pain-filled payback.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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