Homeward Bound

Gah! I'm sorry I am running so slowly XD WC: 689

The sable female smiled as the younger girl nuzzled at her chin, the Patrician felt a motherly pull toward the young female, she could not help it, perhaps it was that she herself had lost so many pups, that so many were missing now, or perhaps it was that Blind seemed to be all alone in the world; perhaps it was a combination of the two, but the sable female could not help but want to look after the younger female. She gave her another gentle nudge as the girl spoke, she was explaining that she was a little afraid of the change, Soran understood that other's were scared of change, she herself had known nothing but change in her young life, but she understood liking things staying the same; now that she had managed to settle back into a home, into the pack, now that her family seemed to be warming to her she was enjoying things remaining the same. The war seemed to have changed this, but she still had hope, perhaps the war would end soon and then she would be able to get on with rebuilding her life, she was making headway with this task, but it was slow going, one could not force family to love them anymore than they could force you to love them. She was glad of having Blind nearby to her, she was a welcome reprieve from the troubling times of the recent weeks, she had yet to be touched by the trauma of the war, Soran wished that she could keep it from her, that she could keep it from all of the wolves that she cared for, but alas she could not do this anymore than she could stop the sun from setting at night, this knowledge saddened the sable female. The tall female nodded as Blind spoke.
"Yes sometimes change can be frightening indeed, but you have achieved so much through change, you have become a member of the pack today aftr all. Not all change is bad change, if you become a Luperci then you do not have to stay in the bipedal form if you do not like it, nothing had changed in my four legged form when I changed. I assume that you shall be much the same." Soran said, her tone warm and motherly as she did so, she could not help but hold a warm affection for the younger dark female.

The ebony pelted female showed the younger girl into her room, she seemed entranced, she had been staring at the doors as they had walked down the corridor, Soran smiled as she watched her.
"The doors are there to provide a bit of privacy, this way we can close them and can have time alone from the pack as a whole." The dark female said as they entered her room, the younger girl ran at her bed, smelling it and bouncing on it, falling off rather quickly. The sable female began to laugh at the look of surprise across her face, the sable female chuckled as she watched her, but stopped when the younger girl scampered underneath the sable female, hiding beneath the mother's stomach. Soran stretched her legs so that the smaller female would fit underneath her, hiding from view.
"Oh dear, you're not hurt are you?" Soran asked, her tone concerned as she looked down between her front legs at the younger female.
"It's a bed, the humans who used to live here slept on them, that is why they are so soft and spongey. I sleep on it when I am in my Optime form and I suppose when I am in this form as well, it wont hurt you, come out." The lady said, chuckling again now, leaning over and giving the female a gentle shove with her paw to move her out from beneath her. The sable lady's tail wagged as she padded around her room, stretching her lithe limbs out, she hopped onto her wicker chair in the corner and sat neatly, curling her tail around her feet as she looked at the younger girl.

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