A bored afternoon

Well thank you^^ Just for that I decided to write a little while I’m at work….where there isn’t a grammar program on the computer :O so again, sorry for the english >.< And it got a bit short because of angry customers \(´0`)/

His forwardness and carefullness had won through, the other male had answered him. Desaevio wondered for a moment about how he should answer the other, not because he was lost of words, but because he didn’t really know why he was talking to a complete stranger in the first place. A smart wolf wouldn’t render upon strangers like this, but keep to his pack land and protect the border alongside the other members. But Des had just joined Dahlia de Mai, and so most of his pack loyalty lay with his old family. And te fact that he had been straying around for over two years now, alone, made him feel restricted and tied up if he had to stay in one place for too long. Straying a little bit around and exploring kept his boredom down and his mind alert.

And so he answered the other My name is Desaevio Caesius, he said proud, shooting his white greyish chest a little bit forward just to show off his pride with body language, not intentionally of course. I’ve just joined the Dahlia de Mai pack, but I started to feel a little claustrophobic inside the borders, so I decided to take a little stroll, he paused, annoying the little angry voice in his head with his blabbering; he didn’t have to tell this stranger everything about himself. I was just out looking for some fun, I hope I’m not intruding in any way. He polietly ended his sentence there, before the little voice grew in to a bigger one.


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