My Angel Tonight [Initiation Task]
His mind was groggy and clouded with sleep, confusion and a sense of loss settling over him like a blanket. His mind had not yet properly processed the fact that Siku had returned to him- in his dreams the warmth she generated by curling against him was the ghost of what it once was, a phantom dream-Siku that would vanish the moment he woke up. Despite his lack of processing the fact that she genuinely had returned, the young agouti male had managed to sleep through the night for the first time in a long while. Perhaps on a subconscious level he understood that the firm body by his side was actually real. Sunlight filtered through the newly fixed windows, splashing across the males face and causing him to stir. His body brushed against the white female and he bolted away, green eyes flashing open and immediately closing against the light. It was a rare sunny day in Ocotober, the few that remained should be treasured. Siku's head nuzzled into his chest and Saul allowed a grin to wash over his face. For the short while he had been coasting in the pre-waking dreams that were also awake, Saul hadn't quite believed it. He had his best friend back, and she appeared to have become just a little more than his best friend.

Her voice, thick was sleep, washed over him and he tried desperately to keep her attention up on his face. The self-same bodily reaction that had plagued him the day before had decided to make itself known and he wasnt accustomed to what it actually meant. Of course, he had her question to concentrate on and used it as an excuse to pull her face up to look at her directly in the eyes. "Ichika is about forgiveness- nobody should hate you Siku." He said, although he had no way of know whether or not any of his own family might hold a grudge against her for upping and leaving him. He moved then, stretching his body out and yawning deeply.

"We have things to do today. Namely your initiation task. I didnt mention it yesterday, but you have to go out to the Mai Caverns and retrieve a rock."

He said, offering a little chuckle to show that he thought it a little silly, but it was the rules. With his arm curled around the white woman he attempted to pull her on top of him for a soft kiss before they started the day.

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