A Long Trek
No I don't mind if you lift me. I had to be carried off the beach when I first arrived here so I'm used to it. Savina gave Naniko a big smile. The female had hated when Insieme's leader Guiseppe had had to pick her up and take her to shelter when she had washed up on shore. This was different though. Savina was much stronger now and at least could walk own her own, that hadn't been the case earlier. Also the wolfess didn't mind looking more vulnerable in front of another female. It wasn't that she hadn't trusted Guiseppe, she just always felt more at ease around females. She probably had her father to thank for that fault.

The ebony wolf felt a warmness in her when the Andromeda uttered her last sentence. There are so many in this world that would want so much in return for what Naniko was doing for her, especially from a stranger. But it truly seemed like this soul just wanted to help. I think I can manage that. Savina once again smiled at the ivory female. Perhaps this pack could turn into home after all.

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