[M] You Ruined All. For Yourself.
[WC: 333]
[ooc: This is my first post with colored letters! Big Grin]
Carrion's head tilted to the side, leaned on his spear and watched her retreat into the woods. He didn't know where she was going, but when he heard the muted whinny of a horse, he guessed she was taking something from her pack to show him. When she returned with the bow, he stood straighter, leaning the spear against the tree he'd just retrieved the bone spearhead from. The wood still had bits of fur and a few splashes of their blood soaking into the old, old wood.

His eyes widened as she stepped into the moonlight and the weapon's beauty was fully revealed, bending over to examine the carvings and tassels, extending a tenative paw to running a gentle finger over the golden eagle feathers that hung from it. It's beautiful. I could only wish I had more training to make things like this! His voice died down and he looked up with an awkward smile, a bit ashamed at his enthusiasm. It's a work of art- better than the scraps of bone and metal I work with. His ears perked up when she apologized, then his eyes lit up with understanding. It's all right. Just... Hold on...

As the coyote turned around and bent over to pick up his bag, his back was turned to her, the light revealing a web of savage scars on his back showing why he was so resistant to pain. When he stood, he had something cupped in his paws. It was a small skull, and when she looked, it was a small, bleached hawk's skull. He smiled. I found this yesterday in an old nest. The spirits must have been trying to warn me, ah? He chuckled, and patted his arm, then poked the string through the eye holes and handed it to her. Here. A sign of good faith, from me to you.

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