under starry skies
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It was quite pretty here. Where Shandom grew up, where he still called home, the skies had been different. Thinking about it, it probably had something to do with his long, strenuous trek through wild country side. It had been years since he settled down with a pack and stopped moving entirely. The closest he’d come was when was with Keliyya, and he saw how well that turned out. After only a few weeks with her, Shandom felt antsy and uncomfortable – exposed, almost. Since he was forcibly removed from Etienne, staying too still made him wary. He knew that Lea’s goal that night had been to kill him. If he knew her determination and tenacity at all, if that somehow remained unaffected when her mind spiraled south, Shandom was positively certain she was still trying to find him.

Even though he knew seeing her would be dangerous, Shandom still wanted it more than anything. Though he was positive she would never give him the chance to have a civil conversation with her, he knew that if he saw her, even just for a moment, he would be able to tell if the Lea-Belle he knew and loved still lived within the dark monster. It would be such a relief to know that she was, perhaps, almost salvageable. If someone could just help her, Shandom thought she could be okay again. Whether or not she wanted to return to that state – now that was a completely different story.

He was brought out of his musings by a female voice, and that startled him. His muscles tensed, and his paws clenched together as a small snarl threatened to rise on his lips. Shandom knew it was probably entirely his fault that he was caught unawares – he had been the one staring at the moon, after all – but this sudden interruption was, regardless, rather unwelcome. Pull yourself together, man! he internally chided himself. This is a lady- you must present yourself with some semblance of dignity! Resisting a smirk, Shandom rose to his feet, still slightly uncomfortable with the idea of only having two legs underneath him. He kept his face slightly tilted to the right, so better to see her.

”My name is Shandom Qi’Vaex-Nightslayer, mi’lady,” he spoke, a small grin on his face. She was about his height, though much slimmer, and he found it rather baffling that she wore clothes. He resisted the urge to lift a curious eyebrow at her attire, though he supposed it might be normal in these parts and he was the weird one to be without something to cover himself. ”I am a very recent newcomer to this pack, Cour des Miracles, so I apologize if I caused you any duress”. He gave her a broad, easy smile and faced her head on, slightly aware that his scar was in its full glory. Ah, well, it’d been years. Time to get used to it. Hopefully she wouldn’t stare too much.

Shandom does. Shandom thinks. Shandom says.

Table by Marie
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