[M] Did you stand too close to the fire

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sorin; It's okay, I was having so much fun with it that I had forgotten it too; 363 words

The smell of death was something that the girl knew about from an early age. It didn't bother her as it perhaps should. No, that smell was one she could easily come to love. And why not? It meant that yet another stinky was removed from this world. It made it a slightly safer place. The more that were disposed of then the more the small girl was free to move about without too much of a worry. After all the lands outside of Inferni were cruel. Or that was the girl's opinion of them at least.

The pup ended up dropping her head low in order to lap up the blood from the ground. While they smelled awful she found that they tasted pretty good. Or maybe that was just the knowledge that one of the monsters was dead and wouldn't be bothering her anymore. Either way the taste of victory was a pleasant one. It was a taste that Symera was eager to have yet another sample of. It was one that she could never see herself as getting enough of. After all the only good wolf was a dead wolf.

Symera watched as Halo made to clean out the head in order to allow for her to wear and found herself nibbling on some of the meaty bits that were removed. There was no reason that it shouldn't become food for her belly. As much as she hated the live ones she enjoyed the taste of the dead ones. No doubt this would further fuel the thought of eradication, of total genocide. She was doing to them what they had done to her mother.

When the job was finally complete enough and she was encouraged to try it on she moved closer to Halo and stood still so that it could be placed on her head. With the young girl being unable to shift there was no way that she would be able to do it herself. Of course that solution would come in only a few more months. For not she had to be dependent upon the other woman to take care of things that Symera couldn't do herself.

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