Jigsaw [P]uzzles

Word Count → 571 :: OOC: The kite's description is vague because i forgot what kind of kite me and Shae agreed on lol

Niro was glad the girl came out, it showed her trust in his judgement which was what he was hoping for. He was a good man, and didn't want to hurt anyone in his pack. Especially children. He loved them as they were the future. He smiled as she came closer, and seemed happy that she was one of the few that Marahute liked. She stated how she felt special and he nodded.He ruffled Jiva's head as Robin wanted to reassure Jiva, which it seemed to. He smiled a little and looked back at the girl wagging his tail a little. Marahute gave a little chirp sound as agreement not to scare the girl again, though she did look smug that she'd gotten the better of the pup for a second.

Niro could tell both children were soaking up the questions like crazy, and her questions became a bit more complex, and to the point where he knew that her parents should be answering such questions. Like the reason why she had been so small.

“Well I think those are questions for your parents, but I think you'll be fully grown after you turn a year, it is different for everyone. Marahute, she'll be fully grown at the age of two.”

He said, answering what he felt comfortable with. He wasn't sure he should be answering questions that would deal with pregnancy and any acts before that. As she looked up at the large bird of prey she asked a simple question, one he was happy to answer.

“With those two, I'm never certain, I wouldn't get too close without me. They still have the wild in their hearts. Wild ones are far more unpredictable. The pigeons don't know what they are doing, so you might get pecked, but it doesn't hurt.... too much.”

He looked at both Jiva and Robin. Jiva had seen the present and was excited, though a little jealous. His sister wasn't in the pack, and he was. He had voiced this before and Niro answered that when Jiva was older he would get his own bird. Niro would even teach the boy how to train them as well. This got the boy excited and calmed him down, so Jiva was wagging his tail when he asked Robin if she wanted to see the present.

“Oh it's ok, Maggie doesn't live here, so I don't think she'll find out till she comes and visit, it's over here. The bird is still wild so we have to keep it in the cage, but I caught it not long ago.”

He moved over to a corner lit by one of the windows where he picked up a medium sized cage and put it on the ground. There inside was a pretty kite, it was a greyish color, and it looked kind of like Tobias except smaller, and its tail had a split. It had large eyes as it sat on its perch looking at the three wolves with those inteligent eyes. She was still new, and Niro knew she'd quickly attack even him if he let her out, she'd fly away in seconds after that. He would train her to see that her life benefited if she stayed with him, and soon with Magnolia. He smiled at the pretty bird and then down to the two pups he showed her to.

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