What Was That Noise?

Using my badass table for a badass-ish moment? Language and gore warning in this post, though I didn't go over the top. xD Dramaaaaa!

Word Count → 560

With the girl out of the way, Vesper was able to concentrate on the hulking monster before her. Something had definitely set it off; bears didn’t always attack so aggressively. They might usurp a wolf kill or defend themselves if a pack was set on chasing it off, but one-on-one Vesper wasn’t certain she could do very much about it. Just get it away from Blind. Run like hell. Her mind worked sharply as she bared her teeth, bristling enough to look slightly larger. Oh, for once she wouldn’t have minded the muscular halfling form of a luperci…

A shout made the coywolf turn her head, ears pricked and mouth opening in disbelief as she saw Blind standing there determinedly. There was a moment of respite as the bear took note of this additional challenge, but as Ves quickly aimed to bite again, its paw rushed toward her. She leaped back, ears flattened as she prepared to move with the impact, hoping to avoid broken ribs—but a dark shape launched itself at the bear’s arm, clamping down.

“What the hell are you doing?” the tawny female snarled, stepping forward and watching helplessly as the girl was knocked off. When the bear’s paw connected with her head and the she-wolf crumpled against the tree, she froze. “Blind!” Her eyes darted to the bear then back to her friend’s motionless form. “Fuck,” she spat, and she leaped at the bear with something more than just driving it away in mind.

In one reckless maneuver, Vesper had landed on its face. It roared and began to shake her off, its teeth clamping down on her flailing hind leg. She gasped in pain, but there was no crunch of bone, no indication of a major injury. Her mouth darted for the bear’s face as she felt herself slipping, and her fang pierced something globular.

The grizzly let out a snarl unlike any she’d heard before, anger mixed with pain as it staggered back, shaking its head. Blood welled from where its eye had been, and the tossing of its head only served to pain it further. It stepped back, shoulders rolled forward and the fatty hump under its scruff rising. This was only a last show of defiance, however, before it stepped back again. While it could probably have finished the canines off, had it dared, the loss of one eye made it reconsider. It rumbled then continued to back away, head swinging, until it turned and left.

Vesper let all her breath out in a sigh, chest heaving from exhaustion. She turned her head to lick the wound on her hind leg, but it only gave her a minor limp as she moved; it would heal in time. The routine cataloguing of her injuries did not continue, however, as the reason for her burst of rage flashed back to her.


The name dropped from the coywolf’s mouth, and she rushed to the dark girl’s side, settling down close to her and gently licking where she’d hit her head. She didn’t know what the hell to do in a situation like this! She considered howling for help, but she didn’t know if there were any pack lands close by or if a less savory character might wander across the scene. Ears lowering, she nudged the girl lightly, hoping she’d regain consciousness soon.

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