A Time For Joy And Reflection
fail post, but exit Gemma.

The small gathering was quickly turning into a meeting of some sort as the Panda woman appeared along with her companion guy that she had never met. She didn't belong here, she never had done in the first place. Consumed in her thoughts she never noticed Matteo's cold shoulder towards her. The child wriggled in her arms, besides she had nothing to trade with and no money to give for any of the things. She would be able to come back later and track her half sibling back to where he had come from, maybe he lived in that new pack that had formed just over the mountains, she could see him then and not interrupt his trading.

A soft sigh and she turned away from the three of them, a hand waving to Noah over her shoulder in goodbye. The three others were quickly swallowed by the forest and the woman breathed easier, she looked down to the bundle in her arms,

"Let's go find your daddy then."

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