What Was That Noise?

Haha ooo pretty table! And yes, I do believe this is the most dramatic piece of writing I've ever created, right here...prepare yo'self lol.

Seconds...minutes...hours passed before Blind began to feel herself emerging from the fog of the attack. A faint ringing lingered around her eardrums, and her entire body throbbed in pain. Everything was dark.

More time yielded to more consciousness, and soon Blind could feel a soft tongue caressing her head. She tried to speak, but her mouth seemed bolted shut. Finally a small squeak crept from her taut lips, her lungs and heart waking in her chest.

More feeling slowly trickled through Blind's body, and soon she could hear the frantic breathing of someone beside her. She should have been afraid - what if it was the grizzly bear preparing himself to take a bite out of the she-wolf's side? But her head was swimming too much to grab hold of any conscious thoughts.

Soon enough, Blind could feel her body - however achey - intact and bite-free. The familiar smell of her hybrid friend filled her nose, and she suddenly realized that the tongue on her head belonged to the coywolf. She leaned into the nursing lick, a small groan escaping her throat.

Eventually, the last few bits of consciousness dripped into Blind's being, and the pain escalated to an almost intolerable level, the greatest amount, she soon found, coming from her lame leg. Trying to move it ever so slightly, a new kind of pain shot through the offending limb from her toes to her lower back. She stopped trying immediately, realizing that it was undeniably sprained...at best.

The dark female's heart broke into a sprint as she wondered how on Earth she would be able to walk now, when the pain had seemed bad enough before. My...leg, she gasped. But, as she opened her eyes to try and locate her friend, she soon discovered that her leg was the least of her problems - the vision from her right eye had been taken from her completely, and her left held a very blurred bit of sight. Blind's ears flattened against her throbbing head as she whispered,I can't see.

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