How Very Poetic [AW]
///I don't mind at all! Big Grin///

Le Roy had managed to get caught up in the sound of his voice again. This was something of a recurring problem, and he really should have known better. Despite this, Le Roy took to pacing in an oval around the orator's podium, looking about as he did.

"I will confess that this design is lovely for the use of speech, but forsooth it lacks the things that I must order of my den," he mused. "This space rings for 'tis full of air, and such air can kill a cat. His foes need nothing save eyes for to catch him while he doth dream." It was regrettable that this hadn't yielded him a den, but Richard supposed that it was a good find anyway. He could return here at his leisure, if he found a place nearby. There was no other scent of mountain lion about so this was looking promising.

"No house to me this place shall be.
But nothing ugly should come to me,
if I call it part my territ'ry,"
he decided, at the same time enjoying the way the rhyme bounced on his jaw and the sound came back to him, shaped by the walls of the chamber. It was going to be hard for him to pull himself away and back to more normal (and useful) pursuits. Richard had found a new toy and was as enthralled with it as a cub less than a quarter of his age would have been.

Oh well. At least there was no one here to see him making an enormous fool of himse-

Footsteps? One round, dark-backed ear turned at the sound of motion outside. Richard bristled warily. Unlike the canids that dominated this land, he was a solitary creature by nature as well as species. Anything that showed up could pose a threat to him.

"Halt, creature! I hear thee in that outer passage!" he yowled. "Encroach no further, unknown ghoul, and speak thy purpose at once!"

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