[M] Welcome to my world, hun ho[p]e you like it
[html]Private for Rain Marks, Sam is at the borders and came to visit her mate Rain for a while. The time is around 7:00 pm. There may be mature posts within this thread because of alcohol (wine) and or graphic topics.

The girl wandered up to the borders, she didn't mind the half hour walk to Anathema, it made her feel refreshed. The autumn sun was beginning to set, the colors of dusk splashed across the sky. It was a beautiful sight indeed, adding to her good mood. She was almost to the borders, she was starting to grow tired of walking, but didn't complain. On her shoulder sat her little otter Lua. Lua and Rain seemed to get along just fine. Sam was unsure of the time and if Rain would have time for her right now. She knew of the vast caves in which the Luperci in Anathema dwelled. Samantha still wanted to live in Ichika, but she knew that someday, Anathema would be her future home. Her eyes flickered around her, looking to see if anyone was near. She didn't want to trespass anywhere or give people the wrong idea. Samantha wasn't any harm to anyone, she wished that Rain was by her side, nothing would go wrong. She straightened her jacket so it fit better on her small frame. She was at the borders now, it was chillier now with autumn returning. She couldn't believe that winter will bring her first snow. Since Sam came here, her fur had always been a little less thick from her home in Rio with the hot weather year round. Samantha howled, her voice carrying through the trees and near the caves loud and clear. She wanted Rain to hear her and come to see her. Sam's separation from Rain was rather hard to deal with, it was like when her family was killed. She had no idea what to do, she was lonely. When Rain came along, she felt like she could love again. Like there could be nothing wrong. She waited there, a little uneasy. This was very different from Ichika. Almost as if there were different wolves here. She couldn't judge Anathema though. She wasn't judgmental. Sam was sure that she would come to love Anathema as much as Ichika no Ho-en.

Sam chewed on some dried meat as she waited and stopped to pass some to Lua. She always shared with Lua. She played with the pretty silver bracelet that Rain had given her. She loved him and would do anything for him to make him happy. She sat on a large rock with her legs crossed, quietly sketching the landscape around her and humming quietly. If someone heard her call, Sam hoped that it would be Rain. She was thinking, she wouldn't mind moving here. The young woman hoped that if she did move here, that the Ichikans wouldn't be mad or think that she was a traitor. She promised to visit as much as she possibly could. She wanted to be as close to Rain as possible, it was him that had taken her heart from the beginning. This would be her first real night with him, they would have a dinner together. In her bag was fairly fresh meat, stored in a large glass jar and a very old bottle of red wine that they could share. She had found that bottle around Seabreeze Brink not long ago and had saved it for a special occasion. Any time spent with Rain was special though. She had made sure to look nice, had made a blue dress that fell to her knees and worn her favorite feather earrings. She usually didn't want to dress up, but tonight would be special. She would spend a while in Anathema with the one she loved, possibly meet pack members.

She saw someone further down and shook her head. It was Rain and she had already howled. She ran over and wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her. "I won't have to worry, I have you. Sam was rather excited to see his home, "Show me!" She said to him as he talked of Anathema.[/html]

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