It was a Beautiful Day....

Word Count :: 557 OOC: Sorry for the crappy post >.<;

"Dodododododododo....hmmmm.....dododododododo....ahhhyeahyeah...."Ophelia skipped along, humming and randomly making no sense at all with her meaningless singing, a bright smile on her face. Today was a terribly nice day, if Ophelia did say so herself. On good days, what was better then dancing? Ophelia began to make her own beat by make a 'boom' sound with her mouth every once and awhile. She began to stomp to the beat, her body swaying back and forth, as if she was a marionette flowing in the wind. Ophelia began to clap, still swaying as she began to move her feet in complex motions, her body simply moving along. The sound of the water crashing against the shore only added to the growing and flowing beat. A cheerful smile was plastered on Ophelia's face as she did what she loved: Dancing.

The style changed rather quickly. From tribal, to a ballet. Her moves changed from flowing and fun to elegant and graceful. She spun in a complete circle, her arms forming a circle. She then did a quick pirouette before landing softly, without a sound. The beat was still vivid in her ears, so Ophelia continued to change, from dance style to dance style. The last dance was far more seductive then the rest, and it was one of Ophelia's favorite. It was her tribe's mating dance, to bind two mates together for eternity and beyond. Ophelia had to preform this dance many times, for it called down the gods and made them merge two souls together. This dance requires quite a bit of shimmying and hip shaking, plus, it has a super fast beat, which made Ophelia love it even more. Ballet was fun, but far to slow for Ophelia's liking.

The dance began with Ophelia's legs apart and her head down, eyes closed with her breathing slowed. Ophelia then began to stomp, in between the beats of the water hitting hitting the shore. Ophelia even began to clap along with her stomping, and finally, the dance began. It started out with some low shimmying, and soon, Ophelia was moving her hips like she was a belly dancer. The dance then became faster, with repetitive hip shakes and super fast shimmies. The dance soon began to slow down, her hips moving in a sultry way, sleek and smooth. Her hands stopped clapping, and instead came together, then apart, while slowly rising above her head, her body still moving in a bewitching way. Then, her hips began to shake quickly, as if she was stuck in tremolo. Then, the dance ended with two last well defined hip shakes, a smile wide smile appearing Ophelia's face.

"YAY!" Ophelia lifted her arms up above her head, her hands balled into fists, a look of success on her face. She hadn't done that dance for months, yet she still knew it and was great at it! Why wouldn't she be happy? Ophelia began to joyously laugh, eyes bright and sparkling as she slowly lowered her arms down to her side. Her smile and laughing began to fade, though. Why? Because there was always room for improvement. She could always get better at a dance. Ophelia got into a different position, this position was for salsa. Of course, ti was hard to do the salsa all alone, but Ophelia would surely trying.

Image courtesy of Posteriormente@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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