[M] Welcome to my world, hun ho[p]e you like it
LOL! Meat ruined the moment...But Sam doesn't care much. I wonder what will happen in this thread? They are so smitten with each other, this is their first night together. Sorry for my lateness!

Samantha rushed over to Rain, and picked up the meat and put her hand on her mate's shoulder. "Hey, Regen keine Sorge, Sie müssen nicht versuchen, mich zu beeindrucken, ich liebe euch alle das gleiche"(Hey Rain, don't worry,you don't have to impress me, I love you all the same.) She smiled gently and kissed him. The woman didn't really mind if dinner was spoiled, as long as she was happy with Rain. "Hey, I have been thinking and I have come to the decision that I want to move here to Anathema." If she got accepted, then she would share this chamber with Rain. It made her happy here, she liked the comfort the caves gave her. She thought about how she was going to say goodbye to Her good friends in Ichika. A small tear rolled down her face, both of happiness and sorrow. She would visit the Ichikans from time to time, but she was truly happy with Rain. She wouldn't let anything split them up. So this was her life, standing there, Rain. She would care for him forever and make the most of her time with him in her life. Her eyes went to little Lua doubtlessly sleeping in the bag that Rain had made the little creature. "She really likes it. It would come in handy for carrying her. She is getting big." She smiled and wagged her tail. She popped open the wine bottle and held it out to Rain. "You want the first swig? I also have some extra food for us to share, the burned meat could be fed to Lua.She really won't mind."

She went back to the furs and lay down, looking at the roof of the caves in wonder. What if it collapsed? She doubted the thought but thinking of it crushing canines in their sleep made her worried. She pulled a pillow under her head, her glossy black hair lain out in waves around her face. She glanced at Rain and smiled. This was nice, she liked Anathema more that she thought she would. If they had the mateship ceremony here, she wondered what their customs and beliefs were. The young wolfess smiled at the thought of being blessed here. Already Anathema was becoming home. She closed her eyes for a minute. Taking in the moment. One thing that she knew for sure was that Rain was the perfect one for her and no one could be as perfect as he for her. Sam absentmindedly stroked Lua's silky fur and listened to the otter snore. She giggled and opened her eyes. She watched the steady breathing of her little companion, it was a wonder that Samantha gained the little animal's trust. Very carefully, making sure not the wake the sleepy otter, Sam got up and stood beside Rain, one of her arms resting on his bicep and her head leaned against his shoulder. "I will never leave you...no matter what. Always remember that." Remembering his words about her not leaving him, she smiled gently and waved her tail. It was impossibly to be sorrowful when he was around. [/html]

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