[i] OOOOO FAIL POST.... -_-

Ferrari looked up to see her favorite cousin. "AYSHIE!!!!!!!" she yipped letting go of the girls leg. She cocked her head to the side as Ayasha talked to her. "Whats cannibal? she asked as the older girl knelt down and stroked her head softly. One day Ferrari was going to be like her cousin, fearless and rebellious. She nipped at Ayasha's fingers, her teeth starting to hurt again. She needed something to chew on and Ayasha seemed to be the only thing to chew on at the moment.

"PLAY?! Ayashie play with me? Fight with me? Isk don't like to fight. He is no fun. Thats why I left him at homes," she said with a wag of her tail in excitement. She stood on wobbly legs and went up on her hind paws, putting them on Ayasha's knee and wagging her tail so hard her body moved with it. "Play! Play with me! she yipped, nipping at her cousin where ever she could.

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