Exploration of the Manor
(sorry for the wait, my life has been hectic)

Kota listend to what she had said about the war and heard little more after that; he slowed to a stop again and under his cloak his hands formed fists of hate and rage. Those orbs of his darkend and narrowed to angery slits and he had began to shake visibly just before he struck the tree next to him. His hand stayed on the tree for a moment but when he does move it to bring his clutched fists up to look at them there is a shape in the tree where his fist was, clearly this wolf has a lot of strength.

Kota continued to shake with rage not at the female beside him but at the other pack and especially the other packs alpha or whatever its called in this new home of his. It wasn't untill she mentioned his father that he sharply looked over at her before his gaze softend just a bit "never knew him.." there was a touch of acidic hate in his voice but was it for this war that threatend the lives of his new packmates or was it for his father? Kota started to walk again "is it still being fought?" he knew he couldn't just march in and end the war but he knew that he could add his strength to the collective of that already on the battlefeild.

The dark male lowered his gaze to the ground to hide the dark shadows in his eyes, the dark shadows of hate and rage that he felt for this Aniwaya and its leader. His hand throbbed painfully but that didn't matter to him; he would deal with his hand later.

WC: 280

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