gray skies turn blue

The girl’s caution began to turn more to into something akin to shyness, her gaze turning to the ground. His dark bay companion seemed to be putting her on edge as well. Not that he could really blame her. Stranger had a rather fearsome appearance, and an attitude to go with it when he wasn’t feeling very friendly. “Errands, huh,” he said as he turned toward the horse. He reached out to give him a few reassuring pats on the neck. The stallion looked at him askance, gave another snort, and then moved to distance himself from the pair of canines. Dresden smirked slightly, shaking his head. That damn horse did what he pleased.

He shifted his stance slightly and hooked one thumb through the belt at his waist. “You live around here, then?” he asked, genuine curiosity in his tone. The wandering warrior was still very new to this region. He knew little about this place, but he could do to learn more. He had no idea how long he would be lingering here or if he would simply continue on his way. So he could stand to learn a little bit about the region to aid in his decision making.


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