thoughts of reason

She seemed incredulous at the thought of even bigger fires, and her comments brought a proud grin to his features. Ah, yeah, man. It’s not really much harder than startin’ small ones, just takes more wood and some patience. Oh, yes, patience was something the hybrid boy had learned to develop when practicing this skill. Sometimes if the kindling was too damp or if the flint wasn’t handled properly, building up a good fire would take some time. Maybe I can show ya how to do it sometime, if ya want. I think it’s pretty fun.

Next the girl asked if he hadn’t been born here, and went on to described some of what her life had been like before arriving at the mountainous pack. Hey, sounds like a pretty relaxed life, yeah? Nothing wrong with that. Sounds kinda nice, really. Jackson would be pretty down with just hanging out all day, but being cooped up in a cave with his dad would have been a trial. They still shared a den together, sure, but he wouldn’t have been too keen on spending all day every day with him. .He was too independent for that. Yeah, I’m not from here either. Came from the north, this place called New Brunswick. Don’t remember much of it since I was too little. He shrugged. For all intents and purposes, Anathema had always been his home.

Jackson considered her next words with a smile and a light shake of his head. Nah, man, I ain’t busy at all. Just kinda starin’ at that island there like a dope. Don’t feel like swimmin’, ya know? He pointed out to the small stretch of land as he spoke of it. I guess I could show ya this cave up here where all these little crabs hang out. It’s kinda cool watchin’ ‘em scurry around, he said with laughter in his voice. He’d been there a few times to see those little guys run all over the place and it always brought a smile to his face. The cave was only a bit north of where they were, if he remembered right.


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