Arise Chikkun
.: OOC Maybe small PP, especially on the language. Will happily say she heard it from someone else. Let me know if anything is not ok. Smile <3 This is so much fun. :: WC 600+ :.

“I don’t see what’s so funny about this,” she complained as she spat out the folds of cloth. Her father wouldn’t move, wouldn’t do anything! No matter how hard she tried to get it through his thick dumb daddy skull he wasn’t listening to her! “We’re gonna die!” But it was no use, all he would do was sit there and laugh that trilling laugh of his. She snorted petulantly, screwing up her face as she stared down her snout at her unresponsive father. Maybe it was already too late for him. Yes, it is, Erzulie decided. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she casually muttered, “Great, now Daddy’s possessed.”

That was when the flapping corpse caught her attention again and she bristled, cringing. The gory monster was upon her daddy! She opened her mouth to scream but only a choking gurgle came out as she watched her father’s hand sweep forward in one fluid motion and take the thing around its ankles. It struggled and flapped but ultimately did nothing to harm her father. “Hey! You can’t do that!” She announced as she stomped under the chicken, her eyes peering up at the wriggling thing. Her fear of the creature hadn’t abated one bit, and her eyes turned to her father as she spoke a very adult statement. “Size isn’t everything. There’s power in things beyond what you can see!”

She had to get it away from him, for his own good. Even though she didn’t want to touch the gruesome spectacle she needed to rescue her daddy. With a bark the creamy pup launched herself into the air. Her teeth clamped down on the floppy neck but when she landed on the ground she didn’t have the chicken, just the lumpy head.

”Blegh! Ughlglglhhaaaah!” She spit the head out and convulsed with the heebie-jeebies. “Eww! Daddy, move!” Blood was dripping from the torn neck onto her back. She took a few steps away, the ridge of fur down her spine twitching and shuddering with the grossness of it all. When she turned back to her father she watched as the thing’s jerky movements slowly ceased now that the last of the blood drained from the muscles. There, it was done. She turned her eyes to her father and nodded once. See? Demon properly exorcised.

Now there were other matters to attend to. Her ears went back as Bangle asked about what she’d been up to and she remembered how she felt when she first killed the thing. She thought he said hunt like it was a bad thing. Her sunburst eyes grew misty and she shook her head. “No Daddy! I wasn’t trying to hunt it. I’m sorry. I just was playing and it happened. I was chasing it around and I caught it and I just had this urge to shake it and then it stopped playing back.” She paused to sniffle, then continued. “I dunno why it stopped but I didn’t think it was good. So I tried to wake it up-“ hiccup “-an’ I axed my friend for help an’ I dunno who did it but someone made that happen and that’s not what I meant-“ her tone and expression suddenly flipped from near-tears to annoyance “an’ if I get my paws on him he’s gonna be sorry for playing such a rotten trick an’ puttin’ that demon in the chikkun!”

She harrumphed and flopped her rump on the ground, bottom jaw jutting out in the perfect pout. What a mean mean trick Legba played on her. Her temper properly stoked, she rolled her eyes when Bangle asked her about ‘the word.’ “Whaddaya mean? You say it all the damn time. ‘He’s a lazy ass.’ ‘I’m gonna kick his ass.’ ‘Mommy’s got a nice a--’ WHAT Daddy?!” She cut herself off mid-word and snapped at him when she saw the look on his face. “What’d I do?”

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