She's a Stripper

Blind didn't notice the coyote hybrid until a drink she hadn't ordered herself was coming her way. She sniffed the foreign liquid, the carbonation stinging her nose. She had never smelled anything like it, and she was wary about taking a sip, for fear it would worsen her already handicapped state. Gently pushing the drink away, she mumbled, "Thanks, but no thanks."

The dark she-wolf didn't dare look up from the calm surface of the counter, afraid that the nagging feeling in her throat might become more than just a threat. It took the cat call for Blind to notice the second luperci's arrival, and her ears twitched from the pain that the noise had caused them. Although Blind didn't get out much, she knew that a call like that had to mean something provocative was going on behind her, and suddenly she realized what the sign out front meant by 'entertainment.'

Her senses were too muddled to smell the dancer approach behind her. However, as soon as she took a seat near the three canines, Blind caught a strong whiff of the bits of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and perfume that clung to her fur, not necessarily from use, but simply from being present in a room where all of those things could be found. She sleepily glanced up at the dancer. She was a pretty young thing - curvy in all the right places and full of charisma and spunk. The dark wolf giggled foolishly, not even understanding why she had done so. She then tugged the hood of her sweater over her head, pressing her ears flat. Her dizziness was kicking in again, and that feeling was climbing...she could taste it in the back of her mouth.

The dancer asked the women if they had enjoyed the show, and Blind shrugged - she hadn't been paying attention, how would she know? The dark-pelted girl was tired, confused, and she wanted to go home, but she longed for a glass of water first. What did a girl have to do around here to get a drink?

Drink, she repeated aloud, that looming feeling now smacking her uvula around like a punching bag. She lifted her head, ready to run...and puked all over the floor.

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