Blood sweat tears

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Amaranth Catori

She was broken or at least feeling like it. She looked at the grave she had made she had gotten her mother home. She was mainly shaken a few cuts and bruises. She wasn't sure who had killed him and she wasn't sure why he hadn't tried to run, why he hadn't taken mom ad fled. The blood that stained her fur was her uncles and she just wanted to mope.

a hand touched her a a light growl, she just she felt hurt. Purple eyes glanced at her brother who stood next to her. Where had he come from, she had been watching her siblings and all this had happened. Amaranth looked at him, "you fought to didn't you" She said.

She wondered if he'd ask. But she would tell him the truth. There really wasn't much to tell she really knew that her mother would need them. "Mom and him came out here to get the rest of the stuff. All I know is that someone tried to attack her and he fought off the attacker injuring them enough. But he well he was struck down." She choked back sorrow. The wind blew a bit as some of the papers her mother had tumbled about.

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