When you watch the stars, what do you see?

Word Count :: 000Hey there! 
Do you want me to fix your avatar? I can! I can apply the white muzzle! I failed....D:

The woman turned quickly when she heard the voice, the voice was masculine and the scent brought in by the slight breeze confirmed it. She smiled and hopped down from the rock. "I'm Samantha, or just Sam. Pleasure to meet you too." She stared down at the cooking pot and looked back at the man. Now Samantha was a very hospitable sort, she liked to help others. "Um, hey I have some soup cooking, sit down and have a bowl." She gestured to one of the surrounding boulders. She slipped her dagger back into it's sheath and sat by the fire cross-legged. The soup was almost done, and was thickening by the minute. Kostya didn't seem dangerous at all, rather friendly. Samantha always was able to tell the good people from the bad ones, and so far Kostya didn't fit into the bad. Her tail flickered beside her and her gaze went to him for a second. She didn't know the stranger, but at least she would have someone to converse with for a while.

She sat quietly on the ground, there really was nothing to say. "So where have you come from? I came from Rio. Crazy right? She chuckled and stirred the soup. She liked meeting new people, it made her feel like she had support from friends, and her ultimate form of support was her mate Rain. After, she would move to Anathema. "I lived in Ichika no Ho-en for a while, but I am moving to Anathema." She knew that she would miss the pack of hippies that had been her good friends. But Rain wanted to stay in Anathema. She smiled at Kostya and said "So, any pack's interest you here in Nova?" She wasn't a great conversationalist, but at least she was polite and friendly. Her tail waved back and forth on the ground, brushing away dust and gravel. Would they become friends?

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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