Some call me a sinner, others, a saint
Out of Character

Thanks for hiking all the way from InH! / +320

In Character

She sat there for several long moments in silence before in the distance she could hear the padfalls of an individual growing near. Before she could smell her, before she could see her, she could tell it was a female. The spirits whispered in the tree tops about the approach of a white wolfess. Zera’im opened her evil eye when the female was within sight but immediately opened up her other eye, for the aura of this one was pure and peaceful.

Zera’im returned the woman’s gentle smile and without saying a word gestured for the woman to sit, which she did, peppering Zera with a myriad of questions. The collie woman sat silently, absorbing the new girl’s presence and sorting through her words before answering softly, Hello Samantha Jarret, I am Zera’im. You have only interrupted the beginning stages of my cleanse but do not worry yourself, I was expecting company in one form or another. She smiled warmly and retrieved the whether book beside her in her white paws, This book is called the Holy Bible, it is a book that was written by humans when they were graced with its words by the Great Spirit thousands of years ago. I follow the teachings within in this book, and was reading it to calm my mind before the storm that will come tonight. She stroked the leather bindings of the book gently, it was obviously very precious to her.

She then looked back to Samantha, who she already knew was not a part of Anathema due to her scent, and this eased her worries. Being so close to the borders of a great pack was risky, but Zera had been blessed by friendly visitors rather than those who would wish to send her away. Now I ask you a question, what is it you are searching for? It was a vague question that held much mystery within it.

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