Be Not Fearful
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ooc: 1022 Words. X'y can't hold her liquor.... at all. Feel free to play with her drunkness Tongue

Wine was a powerful influence and certainly a mood alternator. It was difficult to remain nervous when met with the boisterous tones of the once soft-spoken woman. As inhibitions fell, the reserved female became all the more comfortable, greeting her followers with contagious smiles and merry wishes to this holiday. Samhain. The Nomad was here celebrating and she hadn't even known what the festivities entailed.

Fox tail and bottle were suddenly thrust upon her, coupled with a beaming grin and holiday greeting. The warrior accepted without protest, her lips quirked in an awkward smile as she tried the greeting for herself. "Merry...Samhain-" was she saying it right? "-Shepard Nayru." She turned to the boy and nooded in greeting. "Friend Pripyat." The inflection of her voice gave way to her uncertainty but in strange reluctance for a lecture, she assumed her mirror of the word was flawless and took the offerings before the loquacious female had a chance to ensnare her. X'yrin knew well the effects of wine and the often... compromising situations they permitted. Upon a single glance, it looked as though the Jiryu was well on her way toward an interesting engagement this night.

Hastily she adorned the tail around her shoulders again, fixing her mane to act as a back for the pelt to keep it in place, then returned her sights to the gathering by the fire. Wine bottle in hand, X'yrin felt a little more sure of herself even without a swig of the courage inducing elixir. Simply having something as an offering (last second as it was) offered a comfort that reminded her of her cherished Nomadic practice; the art of trade. Again the female braved the steps toward the fire, bottle clasped tightly around the neck of the bottle whilst the other tangled with the silken fur of the fox tail. Anxiety crept into her steps again, making them rigid as she drew near the two females. It took all of her strength and composure to compose coherent words rather than thick, mumbled syllables. At least, she greeted them standing just between the two with an outstretched arm offering the booze.

"Merry...Samhain?" Oh, she hoped she was saying it right! "I am X'yrin, a Nomad." Her tail offered a ginger wag as she looked from one shy female to the smiling other. "It is a pleasure to meet you Shiloh. And it is good to see you again, Kiara. Drink?" She turned the bottle toward Shiloh then just as quickly to the Lupus formed Kiara? Did she not have another form? How as she supposed to drink? Her train of thought was nearly derailed by the alluring scent of meat fresh with life taken only a short while before. Such a tempting lure to pull her from this spot of tension, but the determined part of her did not allow escape to easily. Her eyes were fixed upon the pale female, the wheels of her mind turning in an effort of produce a solution.

And then, an idea! Without much thought, she snatched the cork from the neck and brought the bottle to her muzzle and drank deeply...and deeper....and deeper still, guzzling the fragrant liquid down in hardy gulps til her eyes began to water and stomach churned in protest. When her throat began to burn and she could take no more, she tore the bottle from her lips and held it up to the light of the bonfire. A portion above half the bottle remained, just enough for what the Nomad had in store. Carefully she seated herself and the bottle, facing the fire as she hunched over the glass shape. When she discovered she had eyes in her paws, she didn't know, but she felt around whilst staring at the bottle as if by 'feel' she would find the object she was looking for. Something hard and pointy... a rock? Yes a rock. Then something hard and rigid fell under paw. She snatched it too and held it too the light. "Rock!" She proclaimed excitedly then brought it to the bottle. Now... if she could just tap it gently...

And by gently, she of course meant 'smash the neck of the bottle til it shattered'. And shatter it did. The neck and curve of the bottle fell away to the thunderous taps, fragments of glass continued to fall away bit by bit as the crafty Nomad chiseled down the bottle in careful descent. Gradually she began to notice she had grown another pair of hands to work on the second bottle that magically emerged, and she must have been good at using them since they worked in time with the other pair. Had the always had them? She must have... it would have been silly not to notice something this extraordinary.

"Finished!" X'yrin announced, holding the tall saucer above her head with pride. Abruptly she set it down in front of Kiara, a bit of wine sloshing out of the cracked rim. "Now you....two?-" There were not two Lupus wolves? Well more the merrier! "Yes! Now you two can drink!" she exclaimed, setting a friendly paw upon the other's shoulder. "But wait," she paused. Hadn't she forgot something? She turned to the silent female, ears twitching anxiously. "But...what will you drink...? I know!" Yes, she knew it all! She would just get another bottle! Hadn't Nayru offered it freely? And what was better were now two Jiryu's parading about! The Nomad could ask one of them! "I know! Just a moment!" X'yrin braced herself to stand, all fours pressed to the ground since it didn't want to keep still for some reason. She'd never known the ground to move like this! Try as she may to keep the ground firmly underpaw, it always seemed to sway and she was right back down on the ground again. Determination gave way to defeat and eventually the she-wolf just planted herself by the fire looking from one female to the other. "Well... how about we share?" Anything to keep her from having to fight with the ground.

Edited due to change in another thread


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