Of Deer and Ichika
Words – 400+

Jace agreed to lead the chasing group and soon after that the hunting party divided. Jaden waited as Jace and her followers departed, giving them ample time to position themselves for a strike. Once he was confidant they were ready away, Jaden then led his group toward the clearing’s edge. Okay, he breathed, sticking to the shadows and trying to slow his hammering heart. We will wait until the herd crosses into the tree line and strike at its outer edges. If you strike too early or find yourself too close to the herd’s stampeding center, we run the risk of having someone trampled. Stay alert and place yourselves carefully. Temo, he glanced at the other ebony male and stopped, you can stay here and ambush form this side with him, Jaden nodded toward the other slim male who he still had no name for. Wretch and I will continue to the other side of the clearing and try for a deer of our own. Two should feed us generously? The Shishen finished with an eager grin. If they managed to kill two deer today, the event would end perfectly with a social meal and a sense of accomplishment for all.

Jaden took a brief pause to ensure there were no protests to his request. He chose the two males to stay behind simply to divide power more evenly. Wretch was the smallest and when he studied her closely, it was apparent that the canine might even have some coyote blood in her; two weaknesses that would be best made up for by Jaden’s bulk and experience. The two finally found a spot on the other side of the clearing and Jaden got comfortable. The deer were grazing and completely unaware of the circle of death that now surrounded them. When they come running toward us, He whispered now to Wretch and laid himself in the shadows of a large tree. I will choose one and try to take it off its feet, but I might need your help to slay the beast completely. Are you Ready? he asked this and searched her blue eyes for affirmation. He hoped he could trust the coyote blood to prove her self of some use.

The prey were completely ignorant when a call came. The sharp wolf voice made their hearts jump and they all searched the trees for a hidden ambush they wouldn’t find. If it weren’t for the wolves that suddenly sprang into action behind them, they might have fled from the haunting voice. Fortunately, the small brained animals had much more fear of the sharp, hungry jaws they could see. What might lurk in the safety of the trees quickly forgotten, the deer charged right into the Ichikan trap.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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