the thunder of the drums
Words: 519

Without realizing it, the Major had spent more and more time in his optime form. It made caring for Eli easier, and he wasn’t so frightening to the young child when he wasn’t so massive. Ezra was still built rather large in his bi-pedal form, but for some reason his son didn’t mind it as much. His son had been more and more inquisitive as the days went on. He constantly asked what being a luperci was like and if he would ever get to be just as large one day. Ezra wasn’t entirely sure, which worried him. Both Ever and Ezra were converts… did the virus pass from mother to son? Only time would tell.

The optime man had used this afternoon to escape. Ever had finally decided to stay around the house for the first time in ages and so Ezra’s beloved boy was taken care of by his mother. It pained him to leave the boy there with her when he knew she didn’t want it, but after a week at home he needed to stretch his (and Petra’s) legs. The man leisurely made his way to the stables, finally able to get there easily after months of dependence on his mate to show him the way. Petra was in a stall and greeted him with a happy snort and stamp of her foot. For a moment, the male just leaned against her neck and pat her sable nose, duo toned eyes closed. He was finally relaxed; these moments were few and far between these days. But before too long Petra got impatient as always and rocked her nose up to get his body weight off. Ezra looked at her, a sad chuckle coming out of his mouth, before taking her out into the afternoon sun.

They took off like a bullet, both dark manes mixing and whipping around in the wind. Ezra let out a yip of happiness, finally free. He pushed her to go faster but the insane horse didn’t need his insistence. The buckskin horse quickly changed into a gallop and Ezra held on to her neck with dear life, temporarily forgetting the mess that was his home for just a few minutes.

A scent floated through the wind, one that was unfamiliar to the man. Ezra pulled the horse’s man carefully so she would slow down and he could investigate it. It wasn’t far off. Curious, the duo cantered over to the source. A mirror image greeted him; another husky (Ezra hadn’t run into one since before he joined the Court) and a horse that looked slightly darker than Petra. He cocked his head to the side, waving to the other figure, meaning no harm. They were far enough away from the borders that he figured it wasn’t someone trying to join them. It didn’t hurt to be friendly, right? Ezra had no reason to be threatening; in fact, he was in a great mood. He didn't want to think about home so this stranger was a welcome distraction.

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Table by anna!

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