A pair of dull scissors
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Most days had been good and today was the day where she felt exceptionally shitty, and it infected her mood and would have drawn all the flies in the world if it had been an open wound. In her years of life she had slowly learned how to handle herself. She was generally disliked and she didn’t give a fuck about that, but she had gradually started to draw away from others when she was in a particularly foul mood. She spent most of her days alone these weeks, withdrawn and eager to hide herself away. Perhaps it was because she would give birth any day soon--really, she had expected the children to be born approximately a week ago, but so far they seemed to rest comfortably in her womb.

But ah, she was so restless. The absence of workout wasn’t doing her good in any way, and she was inwardly drowning with cravings to work those muscles. So around and around and around the mansion she paced, long, graceful legs strong and determined, though there was a heavy sway in her lower back that she knew was straining the muscles in her back.

On her fifteenth round, she was met with the sight and smell of someone she actually had learned to hate. Well, hate was not uncommon for the pregnant Triarii, but this little bitch’s face managed to ruin her mood ridiculously effectively. And today was not a good day, and now it was a horrible, dreaaaaadful day. Fists instantly clenched and anger flashed on features that should have been beautiful. But her anger turned her into a demoness. Nostrils flared and indulged in the accompanying stench of fear. Sharp teeth flashed in an unkind grin, though she had already lost too much favour with her leaders--if she had ever had any, that was.

”Go bother someone else,” the woman hissed, waving dismissively at the Lykoi whore before she turned to walk up the stairs.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi


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