AW First Look
Terra started at the voice. She stared at the girl who seemed so comfortable in her optime form. She seemed quite friendly. Terra wagged her tail.
I'm not lost. I just joined the pack. I was told to come here. Where should I stay? She couldn't fault the puppy for being so curious. She seemed as young as she was when Terra first found out she wasn't normal. It had been a long time on her own.

My name's Terra. Proudly she lifted her tail. Terra was glad she'd left her old pack, though the nervousness of the new form bothered her. Someone would have to teach her. The girl was young. Maybe she'd be willing to help?

Happily Terra trotted over, sniffing the little wolf over. She had a beautiful coat. Terra would have been jealous if she hadn't remembered that she actually looked nice under all the dirt.

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