Could you tell?

Word Count :: 000

Aleo's ears twitched as the sound of approaching footfalls came his way. A voice accompanied the sounds of padding feet and the male looked up. He listened and put the small piece of charcoal down, a ghost of a smile threatening to cross his lips. Aleo was surprised that someone had answered his call and his tail thumped the ground contentedly. "Hello. I'm not lost, and yes I am enjoying your lands, they are well decorated with wildflowers. The real reason I have come to your borders is that I am seeking a good home." After his small speech, he smiled and wagged his tail gently at the male standing before him. He knew that Ichika was a friendly people and he respected them for that. His smile faltered and his ears pinned against his skull as he started to tell the next and more unpleasant part.

"Although I almost deserve to be turned away. I took the life of another soul in the past, and not so long ago did I crippled and left a canine handicapped. I was protecting my family and I failed sorely." He turned his purple eyes back up to the man before him and sighed. Aleo was never a violent soul, he didn't like to kill for pleasure and for sport, he wanted to protect his family from cold-hearted souls wanting to go out and hurt someone. "A-all I want is forgiveness for my actions, that someone won't judge me for past deeds." The boy's tail stopped waving and he hoped that the man wouldn't jugde him.

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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