see me at the horizon
OOC: Sorry. Unused to only being able to control one character

Pleased by Dresden's acceptance Terra morphed into the larger secui form. She wasn't great at using it yet, but practice would be best. Nose to the ground Terra scented for signs of prey. The presence of the warror's horse was distracting, as it smelled a lot like dinner to her. A few minutes passed and she registered a fresh deer. It was young, just bulking up as winter came. Her mouth watered at the thought, tensing up. She glanced back at the warrior, tail wagging. He was so nice to agree about this!

She had only ever learned hunting in a pack, so except for some lucky catches she'd been eating from those that had died accidentally, or stealing from another kill. Eager to start Terra released a low bark. Hunting with another luperci would be a first that she planned to make the most of.

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