A brand new hook to hang your hat
Terra laid out on a rock, a few feet away from another pack's territory. Travelling had seemed to have given her a taste for wandering, though being with people still made her the happiest. Sighing contentedly she soaked in the few rays of sun that warmed the sky. It was comfortable, not worrying about food. Winter was coming again, making Terra wonder about what winter would be like. Would it be as cold as she remembered? Would it be filled with days of hunting, hoping to come across even a stray? Would stories be told?

The softest sound reached her. Terra twitched her ears to hear it better. It was as if the wind had grown a voice, and decided to sing. Terra was tempted to join in with her own song, but the music made her hesitate. It was a beautiful song, peaceful, yet an almost melancholy sound echoed underneath, as if the singer had witnessed terrible things. It couldn't be the wind making that sound.

Stretching Terra began to pad towards the noise. Nervous about the boundaries she shifted into secui form so she could defend herself better. Straining her eyes Terra stood at the edge. Almost out of sight an old wolf sat, blowing into something. The beautiful music came out of it. Terra stared in awe. Never before had she seen something so wonderful. An ache filled her chest as she watched.

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