Could you tell?

WC:358+ - Sorry for the wait!

The silver male was thankful that the rouge has stayed at the border, though it wasn’t like Noah would attack him and run him out. Maybe a good talk to sure, but he wouldn’t hurt him unless he had to. Noah rubbed the bottom of his maw as the loner told him that he wasn’t lost, more so seeking to find a good home. Well that was the best news he had heard yet today. If this male was looking for a pack, and a family that came along with the pack, well the male had surely came to the right place. ”We can do!” The Sawtooth male said in a chipper tone. The silver male was exited to think about another being coming into the pack lands, breathing more life into these wonderful lands.

The next words that came out of the male mouth made Noah drop his jaw. Death and killing someone was not something that Noah or the pack looked highly upon it. The pack rules were far more laid back then what he was upon that topic. ”Well now…” The male was looking something to say to make the loner feel better. However there wasn’t much he could say about it.

The male sighed as he looked to the male, with a soften look to his eyes, he hated that he was allowing his heart to rule him. ”Tell me more…” He had to know if he was worth keeping around or if he should excuses the loner to find another home.

”About you” He spoke slowly trying to figure out what to do next about this issue that had been shed light upon. If this lone male was even going to be thought of to be a member of the pack Noah needed a name to tell him that he was a brother with in the pack. However, that wasn’t the only thing that Noah needed to know about. ”And the killing” The Sawtooth male sighed as he sat down. He had a gut feeling that this was going to be a long time spent at the borders with just this one joiner.

Image courtesy of SantiMB .@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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by Kitty

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